Letters spelling out "An Apple a Day" along with an illustration of a smilng apple Body of apple Apple's eyes with blinking animation Letters spelling out "An Apple A Day" along with an illustration of an apple with a smile Apple's eyes with blinking animation Apple's cheeks with blushing animation
Apple Calender

Color Themes & Sass

Sass color theme demo preview

Playing around with setting page color themes with Sass.

Cascading SVG Fill Color

SVG cascading color demo preview

Manipulating SVG fill color with currentColor.

Off Canvas Nav

Off canvas nav preview

Some quick off canvas nav, calc, and toggling practice.

Apple Counter

Apple counter demo preview

Practicing adding, removing, counting, and if statements with jQuery.

Apple Loaders

Apple loaders demo preview

Just some weird loader type SMIL and CSS animations with apples.

Apple Time Helper

Preview of an adorable apple illustration that tells you the time and an appropriate greeting.

Refresher on getting the time and displaying a greeting with JavaScript.

Float Tab Focus Problem

Preview of an adorable apple illustration with scarf and wind saying 'Get your local apple weather' in a speach bubble.

The problem and solution of floated img links losing focus when tabbing.

Specifying Link Purpose

Preview of an illustrated apple with a link that says 'View Items'.

Indicating link purpose in markup with ARIA.

Apple Demo Coming Soon...

What kind of apple has a short temper? A crab apple.